
Land Art

Today the first pin in my list is a picture of some land art - which I am very pleased about because I would like to get out tomorrow. Here is the pin picture- This leads me to a lovely blog Simon Max Bannister Journey, explore, create, where he shows us the making of and the thought behind this work of natural art, So tomorrow we will head out to a local beach and try our best to make some land art of our own 😃 -------------------------------------------- WEll...We tried...The weather was not the best, it was really really windy and even the sticks we tried to use blew away lol But here it is - our beach Mandela -   We will probably try this again when the weather is nicer and I'm not pregnant, because bending down over and over proved to be very tough (how soft am I?) Well, that's all for this one  -I wonder what the next pin will bring.

Non-alcoholic cocktails

Well, this is just perfect - today my first pin brings up non-alcoholic cocktails 😃. With the weather being hot and me being pregnant -I could really use one right now - lol - but I need to shop first. Here is the pin --   And the link - 10 non - alcoholic cocktails Looking through the recipes on this nicely put together website, one imparticular jumps out at me as a drink both me and my son would enjoy - and that is cocktail number 2 -'Sparkling strawberry lemonade' - which contains lemonade, ginger ale, and strawberries - all of which are firm favorites in this household. I do need to buy some strawberries first though 😀. I will be back to tell you how  it goes ----------------------------------------------------- And here it is - a picture of our mocktail - Looks lovely and tasted lovely too! Did feel a bit like the strawberries could have colored the water a bit more pinky - but that's just being fussy. Will definitely ...

Homemade Body scrubs

Today's first pin is very interesting, it's about making your own body scrubs - which I have never done before. here it is --   This pin brings you to a website called  A Spectacled Owl  Here you find a list of 30 homemade scrubs you can make with links to the websites. The scrubs are all different scents and some seem to be made mainly of salt, whilst others are sugar scrubs. Looking through these, I have chosen the one at the very bottom to do - A Honey Brown Sugar scrub - as I have just bought a large jar of honey - lol The link I clicked led me to a recipe website A Pumpkin & a Princess   Here is the recipe, it is very nicely written and a simple recipe to follow. So here we go my first attempt at a body scrub !! ------------- Ok body scrub complete - and here's my picture - I quite like this - especially on my hands as it does not dry them like soap does. I can definitely smell the olive oil once I'm using it, but after...

Popping Balloons?

Hi everyone! This week has been quite difficult for me to even find the first pin! My Pinterest feed seems to be full of baby activities (and she hasn't been born yet), challenges and lots of time scheduling and unpractical things. But as I have been pinning a lot of photograph ideas for my son to do a photography project in our homeschool - this turned up this morning, and I hope it could be perfect (or it may not work at all) The pin to a Twitter account and there doesn't seem to be much info on exactly what it is, but I take it that this is a balloon bursting, filmed on a Go-Pro - Here is the twitter feed  link . Well as we have a go pro, I cant see how this could possibly go wrong! 😮 Once the stormy weather clears up we will head out to give it a go - wish us luck -------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, that has to be the most fun we have had doing the first pin yet. Our main aim was to capture a ball of water - and w...

Slimming world Friendly Chocolates

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mmmm... look at these - and they are made of yoghurt and hot chocolate, and that is it - Theses are so happening today The picture doesn't look so great does it?? Could have been a little more creative with those displaying skills I think. This recipe seems to come from a personal blog - 'You and me are Family' - which is about healthy living, family life and dealing with MS. This is the simplest recipe I've ever seen - mix two things together and freeze.  I'm ready to give this  a try as soon as I pick up some  hot chocolate and yoghurt up the shop- think I would like to try minty ones 😛 ____________ Well, I could not find any minty hot chocolate locally so ended up going with a toffee yoghurt and a Belgium chocolate hot chocolate. These were so easy to make tha...

Baby Gnome

Well - finally it looks like I am about to step away from the cooker, as the first pin in my Pinterest list today turned up this -- Arr - Isn't he cute, and I could sew a lovely smiling face on. Now I can knit, but I am no expert, looking at the recipe - what do you call it - Pattern - I think I can do this. The pin takes you to -  Simply Playing  - Another blog like mine 😊- which seems to have a lot of knitting patterns on it, along with a personal blog with lots of ideas for things to do with natural materials. The pattern seems to be written quite simply - but hey, the proof is in the pudding, so I'm off to find some knitting needles -wish me luck! Well, the knitting is complete! , took a lot longer than I thought it would. I thought I would share a picture of my knitted pieces before I mess them up trying to sew them together - so here they are --   Well, it took a while, but the instructions were very good - and finally, I can reveal my baby g...

A Classic Scottish Shortbread

Well looking at the first pin today brings up a Classic Scottish shortbread - sounds yummy! I wonder what makes Scottish shortbread different from any other? Here is the link to the website this pin takes you to -  31 Daily Reading through the information there it seems that shortbread originated in Scotland, that will be why its classic 😁 The website shares a lot of interesting information, the recipe looks quite simple, with options of what to cook it in/on which is useful as I don't have the perfect tray, and you can print the recipe. I love when you can do this - so much easier. #Well it  looks like  I'm cooking again (won't let the dog have any, she still has cupcakes left). Just need to pick up some proper butter and I'll get started recreating this pin. --------------------------------------------------------- Well, we really enjoyed cooking that, although there were some problems with the recipe (the temp was only written in degrees Fahren...