Land Art
Today the first pin in my list is a picture of some land art - which I am very pleased about because I would like to get out tomorrow. Here is the pin picture- This leads me to a lovely blog Simon Max Bannister Journey, explore, create, where he shows us the making of and the thought behind this work of natural art, So tomorrow we will head out to a local beach and try our best to make some land art of our own 😃 -------------------------------------------- WEll...We tried...The weather was not the best, it was really really windy and even the sticks we tried to use blew away lol But here it is - our beach Mandela - We will probably try this again when the weather is nicer and I'm not pregnant, because bending down over and over proved to be very tough (how soft am I?) Well, that's all for this one -I wonder what the next pin will bring.